Fleet of Foot: 3.4

Welcome back to the Fleetfoot Legacy! It’s been a lot less fleet recently… Anyways, I picked up the game again after months of inactivity and had to use a backup of the Fleetfoots I saved to the Gallery. I might’ve also installed some new defaults…

At the suggestion of ciyrose, our heir now goes by the name Ren! (Oh, and they won the heir poll. Whoops.)

Continue reading Fleet of Foot: 3.4

Fleet of Foot 3.3

What? Double update night?! I was feeling frisky and had been sitting on that previous update for a while but I wanted to play this save again so…

Behold! The Fleetfoot dynasty! Hermes and Malia have a total of 14 descendants which is… wow. This is as far as I’ve ever gotten in a Legacy challenge.

Continue reading Fleet of Foot 3.3